TKDA Receives Three Awards at ACEC/MN Banquet

The Terminal 1 G Concourse Apron Reconstruction at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the Chestnut Street Plaza in Stillwater both received Grand Awards at the American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota’s Engineering Excellence Banquet. Additionally, the Foley Boulevard Grade Separation project won an Honor Award.
TKDA led the design for the Terminal 1 G Concourse Apron Reconstruction project as the engineer-of-record and construction coordinator. When the existing concrete pavement deteriorated due to its age and heavy use between Gates G9 and G12, the Metropolitan Airports Commission required an apron and taxiway reconstruction, along with new passenger boarding bridges for three gates. To ensure passengers could access customs and immigration facilities during construction, TKDA repurposed two old boarding bridges to form a link. Overall, extensive teamwork and diligent construction management made it possible to maintain ongoing airport operations and complete this complex project.
The Chestnut Street Plaza project consisted of redeveloping Chestnut Street between Main Street and the Stillwater Lift Bridge, transforming it from a typical street section of shared space between pedestrians, bicycles, vehicles, and trucks into a comfortable plaza exclusively for pedestrians and bicycles. TKDA led the design, community engagement, and construction oversight for the newly reconstructed plaza, successfully combining a unique blend of urban design and innovative engineering techniques. Our team prioritized creating a space that honors and preserves the City of Stillwater’s historic character while changing how the community utilizes the area to accommodate non-vehicular modes of travel, seating areas, and events.
TKDA also led the engineering design for the Foley Boulevard Grade Separation project in Anoka County. Foley Boulevard provides connections to an integral part of the local and regional transportation network, but an at-grade railroad crossing presented a vehicular mobility issue. With over 70 trains crossing the county road daily and growing risk each year as traffic volume continues to increase, TKDA’s integrated design team grade separated Foley Boulevard from the BNSF railway tracks to improve vehicular mobility and safety. The newly reconstructed Foley Boulevard is a four-lane urban roadway featuring sidewalks, a trail, and center left turn lanes.
The annual ACEC/MN banquet recognizes engineering firms and their clients on successful projects that provide value to the community while demonstrating creativity and a high level of accomplishment.