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Foley Boulevard Grade Separation

TKDA used innovative approach to grade separate Foley Boulevard over busy rail crossing

Set in a densely populated portion of the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities, Foley Boulevard is a county road that provides connections to an integral part of the local and regional transportation network. The presence of an at-grade railroad crossing presented a vehicular mobility issue. With over 70 trains crossing Foley Boulevard every day, and growing risk each year as traffic volume continues to increase, TKDA’s integrated design team worked with Anoka County to grade separate Foley Boulevard from the BNSF railway tracks to improve vehicular mobility and safety. TKDA worked on the preliminary and final design, as well as provided construction support services. The newly reconstructed Foley Boulevard is a four-lane urban roadway featuring sidewalks, a trail, and center left turn lanes.

CLIENT: Anoka County
LOCATION: Coon Rapids, Minnesota