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Lake Street Interceptor Rehab

TKDA provided engineering design and construction services to replace a century-old interceptor

Constructed around 1900, a segment of Interceptor 1-MN-330 in Minneapolis needed to be replaced to meet modern needs. The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) selected TKDA to provide engineering design and construction services for a cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) lining project for the 1.8-mile segment.

The sewer is a 24-inch diameter clay pipe with 74 brick maintenance holes, each of which was rehabilitated with a cementitious liner. 19 lateral sewers and almost 200 service connections complicated the development of the temporary conveyance plan. TKDA used dye testing to identify active services that were difficult to detect due to unreliable records and the many changes in the area over the last century. Traffic control was critical during the project due to high traffic volumes on Lake Street and crossing one of the busiest parks in Minnesota.

CLIENT: Metropolitan Council Environmental Services
LOCATION: Minneapolis, Minnesota