Building Reliable and Welcoming Transit Facilities

By putting our services behind your infrastructure needs, we help bring communities together through transportation. We understand the importance of enhancing the use of public transportation and its facilities to connect people to the places that matter most. Working together with counties, transit agencies, and partners, we prioritize improving the user experience and increasing safety measures while keeping reliability and longevity at the forefront. Our commitment to safety is prominent, rooted deeply within our mission, and reflects an unwavering dedication to team members, communities, and collaborative partners.
TKDA supports clients in all aspects of project development, from project start-up to project closeout when upgrading transit facilities. With a strong focus on constructability and maintaining operations during facility upgrades, we take an all-encompassing approach when creating reliable and welcoming transit facilities, maintenance facilities, bus infrastructure, and parking garages. We view each project as a fundamental part of an entire system, working with clients and partners to develop innovative solutions. Our specialized experts offer multi-discipline, integrated services for each phase of the project life cycle, including:
- Design
- Project Management
- Condition Assessments
- Planning Studies
- Feasibility Studies
- Public Engagement
- Fleet Electrification
- Construction Management
King County Condition Assessments
King County hired TKDA for a two-year master contract to provide multidisciplinary services, including condition assessments, nondestructive testing, and system inspection services to King County Metro Transit Division (KCM) for reporting on the State of Good Repair of KCM facilities and infrastructure. The services will further the already developed KCM Condition Assessment Program while complying with Federal Transit Administration Best Practices and Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century legislation or other current and relevant legislation or guidance. The objective of the Condition Assessment Program is to provide a defensible and effective way to compare the importance of a varied and extensive list of recommendations across a portfolio of KCM facilities and infrastructure.
Amtrak King Street Coach Yard Facilities
TKDA and our affiliate Cedar Street Architecture upgraded the Amtrak King Street Coach Yard Maintenance Facility. The multi-phase project improves the shop’s capacity, efficiency, and working conditions. Phase I included the construction of an enclosed structure over two tracks large enough to service an entire Amtrak Cascades indoors. Phase II included a new three-story Warehouse and Administrative & Health/Welfare facility. Our team also completed Phases III and IV of the facilities upgrade, which included the North and South S&I facilities, locomotive shop facility, and pedestrian bridge and tower. Learn more about this project.
Metro Transit Bus Garage Lift Improvements
TKDA provided construction documents to replace old and failing vehicle lifts at several Metro Transit garages. Lift equipment types vary based on need and include two-post, parallel, scissor, and a special parallel lift designed for a wash bay. The work required relocating facility utilities and systems, hazardous material abatement, and construction phasing to accommodate operational needs. The new lifts are safer, use space more efficiently, and create a better work environment for mechanics.
Transit Station Parking Ramp Expansion
TKDA and Walker Parking Consultants provided transit facility engineering, architectural design, and construction administration services for a two-level vertical expansion of a parking ramp for the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA). This project provided an additional 330 parking stalls and five-story elevator components. Our team successfully completed this transit facility design, allowing MVTA to create a dynamic façade that expresses its leadership in park and ride services. Read more about this project.
Metro Transit LRT Operations and Maintenance Facility Expansion
TKDA completed an expansion of the Hiawatha Light Rail Operations and Maintenance Facility, which provides storage and service for additional light rail vehicles for the Green Line and accommodates the existing Blue Line’s transition from two-car to three-car trains. The expansion includes a 43,000 SF addition to the vehicle storage building, a 16,000 SF maintenance addition, an addition to the Rail Control Center, and the addition of a light rail vehicle lift, hoists, cranes, and a geothermal heating and cooling system. Learn more about this project.
CARB and Renewable Conversions
TKDA provided conceptual design services and scope development for the California Air Resources Board (CARB) grant-related electrified equipment infrastructure at Stockton Intermodal, Mormon Yard Stockton, and San Bernardino Yard. Overall, our team provided final design and construction management for five chargers at the Stockton Intermodal Facility, provisions for future build-out of 15 chargers at Mormon Yard Stockton, and final design for one charger at the San Bernardino Intermodal Facility. Read more about this project.
Learn more about our Buildings and Sites and Transportation service offerings
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