Providing the Assistance Your Community Needs for the Lead Service Line Inventory

Through the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), the Environmental Protection Agency announced new regulations affecting service pipes that contain lead. The LCRR requires public water systems to complete an inventory of the service lines in their system and report that information. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is leading this effort in Minnesota to enforce and administer funds for this program for municipalities. MDH selected TKDA as one of the consultants that can help public water suppliers complete their lead service line inventory, field verifications, and lead service replacement plan.
What do you need to know?
Funding: Funding assistance is available from the MDH to help comply with the new regulations. Public Water Suppliers can have inventories, field verifications, and lead service replacement plans funded through this grant program.
Data: Working with and educating residents about this program is key to collecting accurate data. GIS data can help build and map service lines at risk of having lead components.
Act Now: Applications for grant assistance are due by July 20, 2023, and services must be inventoried by October 2024, meaning communities must start taking steps now. These steps include mapping the service lines, determining which contain lead, and implementing a plan.
- Visit the MDH website to submit your application
- Fill in your information and select your category of assistance and preferred contractor
- Submit your application before July 20
How can we help?
Our multi-disciplined team of water engineers, municipal engineers, electrical engineers, planners, GIS analysts, surveyors, and community engagement specialists are passionate about enhancing your community. Our skilled professionals have a diverse portfolio of experience working with public water suppliers and municipalities. We work together to support our municipal clients with the new regulations by completing asset inventories, securing funding, developing and administering local programs, and performing construction observation.
When is the deadline?
Applications for grant assistance are due by July 20, 2023, and inventories must be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Health by October 16, 2024. The inventories should contain a location identifier, material classification, and identification process for each service line.
Visit the Minnesota Department of Health to learn more or contact Ben Meemken at 651.292.4637 or
We look forward to helping Minnesota communities comply with the Federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions.