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Track Relocation and Realignment – Minnesota Twins Stadium

TKDA leads innovative track reconfiguration with Minnesota Twins Stadium

The Twins Baseball Stadium is located on a confined site in the Warehouse District of Minneapolis, Minnesota. A BNSF Railway Company mainline track skirts the north edge of the site and carries 12 to 15 trains per day and Metro Transit’s Northstar commuter rail service. The stadium plans called for the Promenade Deck of the facility to be over the existing track. TKDA prepared plans for the relocation and realignment of approximately 2,650 feet of track to accommodate stadium construction. In addition to the design of the relocated and realigned mainline track, TKDA also guided the stadium designers to include crash walls in the column design to withstand forces that could be expected in case of a train derailment.

CLIENT: Minnesota Ballpark Authority
LOCATION: Minneapolis, Minnesota