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Blue Mounds State Park Manfred House and Eagle Rock Vista Trailhead

TKDA Revitalizes Blue Mounds State Park Landmarks

Within Blue Mounds State Park lies the former residence of author Frederick Manfred. Once used as a park visitor center, the Manfred House is now closed due to persistent water intrusion, environmental issues, and irreversible degradation, deeming it unsafe and unrepairable. Yet, as a prominent regional author’s unique architectural residence, the hope is to maintain a physical or interpretive element about Manfred and the site while providing park users with a suitable, upgraded trailhead experience.

The project explores transforming the facility into a formal trailhead and entry into the park. Working alongside the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), TKDA is analyzing the Manfred House for possible reuse or disposition and exploring the potential transformation related to the Blue Mounds trailhead and broader setting. Overall, TKDA’s team is assessing architectural and structural elements, mechanical and electrical infrastructure, and civil site considerations. The project is currently in the design phase.

CLIENT: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
LOCATION: Luverne, Minnesota