5 Tips for Working Remotely

It’s better to over-communicate than to under-communicate to make sure everyone is on the same page
Communication among your team is crucial when it comes to successfully working from home. If you’re questioning whether to update your team on your progress, it’s best to share it with them. With that, communicate your expectations with each other to make sure everyone is on the same page. Ask what your co-workers expect from you and share your expectations with them, too. These expectations include work priorities, success metrics, and communication efforts.
Communicate expectations with your “co-workers”
Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you’re really home. Communicate expectations about the space you need during your work hours with your “co-workers” such as any roommates, siblings, parents, spouses, children, or pets (well, maybe not pets so much!). Before you begin working from home, sit down with them and set a plan that works for you. An example is if the door to your office is closed, then you’re unavailable. If the door is open, then you have some downtime to talk or take a quick break.
Replicate your office experience
Keeping the same structure as your regular workday will help you stay productive. Structure your day by logging on, taking short breaks and meals, and logging off at the same time every day. Next, give yourself a sense of the workplace. Instead of laying on the couch in your pajamas (no matter how tempting that sounds!), get dressed for the day and set up your desk in a similar fashion as your work desk. Doing this will increase your productivity level.
Plan your weeks ahead of time
Get a head start at the beginning of the week by looking at your to-do list and plan out what you need to get done. This is a great way to stay on top of your work. By planning out your weeks, you’re able to figure out when your meetings are, when you’ll have uninterrupted chunks of time for projects that require more attention, and when you can schedule small breaks or meals.
Cut yourself some slack
Working from home can be a big transition for anyone, especially if it’s something you aren’t used to. These transitions can cause a combination of feelings such as isolation, productivity, stress, energy, frustration, or relaxation. Remind yourself that everyone reacts differently to stressful situations and that these feelings are normal. Any type of transition can be overwhelming, so cut yourself some slack.
This article is attributed to: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/productivity-tips-working-from-home. Click to view additional tips.